Azaleas, Mountain laurels, and rhododendrons 

These three bush/trees grow in abundance here. Azaleas are widely blooming now


Mountain laurels are just opening up


Rhododendrons will be last to bloom – they form dense thickets and the trail is developed to tunnel  through 

A few more photosfrom yesterday:

Budding shagbark hickory


My new shoes (Hokas) – unloaded my first pair after 500 miles in Damascus. The gaiters on top keep the debris out of the shoes



  1. Sally · May 12, 2016

    My azaleas are in full bloom! Great shoes and the gaiters are a great idea!


  2. Donna · May 11, 2016

    The pictures are great. Good that you are enjoying your surroundings as you walk.


  3. Marti Rand · May 11, 2016

    Wow, imagine that canopy in a couple of weeks, just beautiful?!


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